As we face great uncertainty with COVID-19, our Health Care Workers, Fire, Police, Paramedics, and Military are out on the front lines caring for many thousands of people that have been affected by this pandemic.
A simple thank you is not enough to show these dedicated people just how truly grateful we are for the job they are doing.
The countless hours, stressful environment, and personal risks these people are taking go way beyond what is expected.
100% of every dollar donated goes to purchase Thank You Meals for our First Responders and Health Care Workers.
The entire staff of the Mansfield VA received ThankYouMeals on April 3, 2020 to thank them for the care and concern for our Veterans. GREAT JOB & THANK YOU!!

Engine #2 from 35 N. Brookwood Way
picking up ThankYouMeals after a run

Lt. Steve McKay, COVID-19 Safety Supervisor
from Station #1
ThankYouMeals were provided to all our Firefighters and Paramedics April 8th, 9th, and 10th at Stations 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
The City of Mansfield Fire Department is a 24 hours per day, 7 days per week operation. They are staffed with 92 full time Firefighters, and Paramedics. The responding staff is divided into three shifts, each working a 24 hour day. They serve a community of 46,000 plus citizens, within a 30 square mile area.
Thanks for all you do!
Over 300 ThankYouMeals were provided in April... Our goal for May... 1,000 meals!
Thanks to your generosity, ThankYouMeals were provided to:
Mansfield Fire Dept. - Veterans Outpatient Clinic - Richland Co. Sheriff Dept. - Akron Children’s Hospital Specialty and Urgent Care Mansfield - Mansfield Police Dept. - Ontario FD & PD - Area Nursing Homes - Madison FD - The Domestic Violence Shelter of Richland County